Bug #2177
User (736143)'s MT2 AWA Argument essay is missing
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Smriti Joshi (736143) faced some tech issues while she was attempting the AWA section of her GRE MT2. The issue got resolved in some time and Smriti was even able to submit her exam. However, while she was reviewing her exam attempt, Smriti noticed that her GRE AWA Argument essay was missing. Could you check if Smriti's MT2 Argument essay has been recorded in the back end?
Updated by sasikiran QA over 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from sasikiran QA to poojesshwaran V
Please check for user's interaction.
Updated by poojesshwaran V over 2 years ago
- Assignee changed from poojesshwaran V to sasikiran QA
User's argument has be recorded as skipped in our backend.
Updated by sasikiran QA over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee changed from sasikiran QA to chinnu sarah thomas