Bug #2908
Unable to add a feedback comment for an AWA essay on the new platform.
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A GRE student named Mohini took her GRE Mock Test 3 on Jan 20. In her AWA response, she just mentioned that an Argument essay prompt, instead of an Issue essay prompt, has appeared in the mock test. Since this response was too brief, she was automatically awarded a 0 by the system.
However, I came across this comment today and wished to clarify to the student that, though the word "argument" is a part of the question, it is actually an Issue task. However, when I added the comment in the feedback box, the changes would not get saved at all. Please check and fix this issue.
This is the student's attempt link: https://app.entrayn.com/summary/e7ddf077-990b-4372-b6f1-7b5f382887be/screen/2
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