Bug #2542
Unable to add universities in the shortlisting tab - singhsimranshrikanth@gmail.com
Added by jayanthy ramakrishnan almost 2 years ago.
Updated almost 2 years ago.
Pennsylvania State University - University Park ----> Bioinformatics and Genomics
Boston University - Bioinformatics
1. San diego state university
Physical science - Biology - Biological Medical Informatics
2. Indiana Bloomington
Engg and tech - CS and Engg - Bioinformatics
3. North carolina state uni
Life sciences - Biology - Bioinformatics
4. Uni of illinois Chicago
Engg and Tech - Bioinformatics - Bioinformatics
5. Georgia Tech
Engg and Tech - Computational science - Bioinformatics
6. Boston University
Arts and Sciences - Biology - Bioinformatics
The issue is fixed. USLEX can able to add universities
A permanent fix needs to be made.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- factor Incorrect Logic added
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