Bug #2771
TOEFL MT3 Listening contains REPEATED question sets from TOEFL MT4 Listening
TOEFL MT3 Listening contains 3 question sets from TOEFL MT4 Listening. This seems to have been the case from the very first TOEFL Import.
MT4 is alright. It is MT3 that needs changes. We have listed down the question sets that need to be removed and supplied templatized doc links for the ones that need to be added to MT3.
Please check this sheet that will contain all the details that you will require: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UdyEvL72OwMpeWCK2gtW-Ws5_D2eBtYOvunrurvqdZA/edit#gid=1170745943
A student named Herambh D raised this issue now, bringing it to our attention. He said he got repeated audios and questions in MT3 and MT4 Listening.
The same issue was raised in October 2022 by another student (Smriti Joshi), for which we raised a bug; however, we are unable to trace that bug number. At that time, we were assured that the issue was due to some testing that was going on. However, the issue seems to have been there from much before because none of these documents is a part of the current TOEFL import.
Please find attached screenshots from the assessment meta details. Note: This bug pertains to the Listening section alone.