Bug #2952
Error in question
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Unclear / Missing / Incorrect product Requirements
In Question 3 of TOEFL Reading Timed Test 2, the highlighted portion referred to in the question is incorrect. A single word, "ingenious," is highlighted in the passage, while the actual text to be highlighted is a whole sentence. The details are accurate in the TOEFL template (The third question in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SOa711HWMRTOxbNX-d8UNFBHiWUKxAgdr_-FGfFVIPE/edit) so it is unclear why this issue is occurring on the platform.
There is another recurring issue as well. We have had students complaining that in some questions, an extra option appears as Option A and is marked "undefined". We reported this issue earlier (Bug #2746 and #2895), and it is yet to be resolved.