Bug #2979
GRE verbal study plan changes on Technical PSP are not reflected on Technical PSP Acad
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GRE Verbal study plan changes were made on the Technical PSP Verbal Master Subsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SnltuMIxJmNmg4t8ouJitdAsdpHvgKVTS4YrcXNuyQ4/edit?gid=208676390#gid=208676390). However, the changes are not reflected on the Academic team's copy of the technical PSP, which is Technical PSP- Acad (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_-p9u_zA75APsKGxwBVBAy-jxQrSZp-RP9YIKobpMdM/edit?gid=208676390#gid=208676390). Kindly guide us on how to go about the same, as we are unsure if a simple copy-paste would work.