Our new full-timers Darshana S (darshana.s@entrayn.com) and Sowmya Bai (sowmya.bai@entrayn.com) are not getting the IELTS Speaking MT sessions scheduled on their calendar. We need them to start on these sessions as soon as possible, so please prioritise this.
Student did not receive the IELTS Speaking Invite Yesterday, thampisharanya@gmail.com had booked an IELTS MT1 Speaking session. I had added Google Conferencing, the examiner's ID (sowmya.bai@entrayn.com) and updated the event. Event notifications were sent to the student. I also sent a mail giving her the details of the session. The student did not turn up. Today, I received a mail from the Mail Delivery Subsystem saying the delivery was incomplete. Please check. I am attaching the screenshot of Google Calendar and the mail I received from the Mail Delivery Subsystem.